The ‚Ökumenisches Gymnasium‘ (ÖG) is a state-approved independent grammar school, in the city of Bremen. The school‘s main goals and objectives are the provision of a Christian education as well as a comprehensive general education. Our students have the opportunity to discover, to refine their talents and to specialize in their fields of interests. At present 750 students attend our school, our academic staff consists of 70 teachers.
The ÖG, more than 35 years old now, has developed into a school offering a broad range of subjects. To name just a few, students can choose among languages (English being compulsory with a choice of French, Latin and Spanish available from age 10), music and drama classes (student can participate in the school choir and the school orchestra or learn to act and perform in the Drama Group) or they can focus on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (STEM-subjects).
As Mathematics and Natural Sciences have enjoyed growing popularity among our students in recent years, we have concentrated our efforts on developing new concepts in these areas. It all started with the introduction of the Aviation and Space Profile at our school in 2007. It was implemented not only to extend the school curriculum and provide a wider range of learning opportunities and environments for our students, but also to meet the needs of the highly able students and thus support and nurture their talents and performance. In 2011 STEM became the flagship element of our school programme. Since then interested and able students have been grouped and taught together in a STEM group. The ‚Ökumenische Gymnasium‘ is the only grammar school in Bremen that has been accepted as a full member of MINT-EC, a group dedicated to maths and science teaching throughout Germany.
The successful participation of our students in a great number of competitions (e.g. ‘Jugend forscht‘) is one proof of the benefit that can be gained and the potential that can be developed when giving individual support to students.
Friends and supporters of our school from a large range of backgrounds as well as companies show great interest in a cooperation with our school. We much appreciate this commitment and the willingness to provide placements and places for school excursions. We equally value the commitment on career information days for our older students.
On top of the cooperation with other schools in Bremen e.g. in the ‚Aviation and Space Project‘ or in organizing the German CanSat-Competition we are presently busy trying to establish new contacts and find new partners for a cooperation in different schools worldwide.
Abiturdurchschnitt 2023
Das ÖG ist eine lebendige Schule, die sich besonders durch ein klares Profil und eine große Vielfalt pädagogischer Angebote auszeichnet.
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